The Best of Select: Games 13
The Best of Select: Games 13.iso
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507 lines
* Spectrum HoloByte presents... *
* T O R N A D O *
* A Digital Integration Production *
* *
* Copyright 1993 Digital Integration Limited *
This is just a peek at the unprecedented combination of speed and
lethal firepower you'll find in TORNADO -- the Allies' most deadly
strike fighter.
TORNADO lets you fly over four European combat areas with hundreds
of thousands of objects - buildings, roads, power lines, trees and
much more. From tanks to TV towers to rivers and railways, TORNADO
features ultrarealistic 3-D world terrain rivaling the military's
own top secret simulators.
Featuring the most sophisticated mission planning system ever seen
in any flight simulation game, TORNADO lets you set your autopilot
parameters, check your waypoint flight times, fuel consumption,
altitude and airspeed with the most complex fighter jet avionics
ever created.
Corner your enemy in a high-speed synchronized attack with up to five
other Tornados. Achieve maximum punch when you combine blinding
speed and a multidirectional attack formation to cripple your
target's defenses.
Use your Desert Storm-tested laser-guided "smart" bombs to knock out
enemy hangars and SAM sites. Cluster bombs and dispensers buckle
heavily-defended enemy airstrips. Plus, a state-of-the-art infrared
camera and you'll get an owl's eye view of your target in the dead
of night. Add a healthy supply of Sidewinder, Sky Flash, and ALARM
missiles and the latest in air-to-air and air-to-ground radar and
you have total air superiority.
TORNADO features:
* four European combat areas of richly detailed 3-D terrain with
hundreds of thousands of objects
* simulator training, combat and multi-mission campaigns
* 2-seat cockpit-pilot and navigator/weapons officer views
* multi-aircraft coordinated attacks
* sophisticated mission planning system
* an arsenal of air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons: ALARM,
Sidewinders, cluster bombs, laser-guided bombs and much more!
* night flying and low visibility options
* 2 player option for head-to-head dogfights
* authentically complex fighter jet avionics
* autopilot includes terrain following and nav/attack systems
System Requirements:
* IBM 16MHz 80386sx compatible
* 640K RAM
* Hard drive
* DOS 5.0
* VGA graphics
* Microsoft-compatible mouse
* Joystick optional
* Ad Lib, Sound Blaster and Roland sound card support
TORNADO... Coming soon for the IBM!
For product availability, please call 1-800-695-GAME
* TORNADO Demo *
* 3/4/93 *
We hope you enjoy this preview of TORNADO. You can write to us on
America Online, CompuServe, GEnie and Prodigy with your comments
and suggestions.
Demo System Requirements
IBM 16MHz 80386sx compatible
640K total RAM (540K free RAM)
VGA graphics
Microsoft-compatible mouse
DOS 5.0
Joystick optional
Installing the TORNADO demo
The TORNADO demo can be installed to your hard drive. Change to
the drive that the TORNADO demo disk is in by typing "A:" or "B:".
Then type "INSTALL" and follow the onscreen instructions.
Running the TORNADO demo
This TORNADO demo has no sound card support (although, of course,
the completed game will) nor can you fire any weapons or access
mission planning in the demo.
At the DOS prompt, type "TORNADO".
You can either press the corresponding number or use your mouse to
select one of the options:
1) Run interactive demo. This interactive demo will start in mid-air
and collisions will be turned off.
2) Watch computer demo. You can watch the Tornado fly around the
3) Select interactive demo options. This will allow you to customize
the interactive demo.
Press the corresponding underlined letter or use your mouse to
toggle through the options.
Starting position: Take-Off or Airborne
Night lighting: Day/Normal or Green Cockpit or Red Cockpit
Demo mode: User controlled or vehicle preview or computer
Explore mode: On or Off (Use the left mouse button to zoom in, the
right mouse button to zoom out. Press the Enter key to switch
to the 3-D view. Use the mouse to move around the map and in
3-D view.)
Fog: None or Light or Heavy
Collisions: On or Off
Night mode: Off or On
Overcast: Off or On
Joystick: Normal or Thrustmaster
Tornado types: IDS (Interdictor/Strike) or ADV (Air Defense
4) View the "Read Me" file. Press Ctrl-C to return to the menu.
A Microsoft-compatible mouse driver MUST be installed before
running the TORNADO demo. If a mouse driver is not installed,
the demo will simply exit back to the DOS prompt when you try
to run the demo.
Quitting the TORNADO demo
Press Ctrl-Q to quit the TORNADO demo.
Primary Flight Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Pitch Up pull joystick 1 back
2 on the numeric keypad
Pitch Down push joystick 1 forward
8 on the numeric keypad
Roll Left joystick 1 left
4 on the numeric keypad
Roll Right joystick 1 right
6 on the numeric keypad
Rudder Left joystick 2 left
0 (Ins) on the numeric keypad
Rudder Right joystick 2 right
. (Del) on the numeric keypad
Autotrim (Attitude Hold) 5 on the numeric keypad
Cancel Autotrim any pitch input
Throttle Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Open Throttle/Increase Reheat push joystick 2 forward
Close Throttle/Decrease Reheat pull joystick 2 back
Reheat On Open Throttle (100% RPM)
Reheat Off Close Throttle
Slam Throttle Open/Max Reheat Shift +
Reheat Off/Slam Throttle Closed Shift -
Secondary Flight Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Sweep Wings Back 1 stage S
Sweep Wings Forward 1 stage W
Note: 25 degs sweep up to Mach 0.73 ) exceeding these speeds causes
45 degs sweep up to Mach 0.88 ) the aircraft to buffet and may
67 degs sweep up to Mach 2.20 ) cause the aircraft to break up
Flaps/Slats Down 1 stage A
Flaps/Slats Up 1 stage Q
Note: maneuver flaps up to 450kts ) exceeding these speeds will
mid flaps up to 280kts ) damage the flap mechanism
full flaps up to 225kts )
Air Brakes Backspace (airborne)
Thrust Reversers Backspace (on ground)
Wheel Brakes On/Off B
Gear Up/Down U or G
Internal Fuel to Minimum Shift-J
Note: caution lights in lower left-hand corner will light
Autopilot / Autothrottle Control
Function Control
******** *******
Autopilot - Autoland Mode F6 (must be set up for
landing with flaps,
wings, speed, centered
ILS, etc.)
Autopilot - Track Mode F7
Autopilot - Altitude/Heading Acquire F8
Autopilot - Terrain Follow F9
(F9 toggles TF/alt acquire in track mode)
Disengage Autopilot Esc
Autothrottle (IAS hold) On/Off F10
Autopilot Heading Slew Roll Left/Right
Autopilot Altitude Slew Pitch Up/Down
Terrain Follow Ride Height Slew Pitch Up/Down
Autothrottle Speed Setting Slew Throttle Up/Down
Skip to next waypoint N
Cockpit Display Controls
Function Control
******** *******
HUD Contrast (cycle colors) H
HUD On/Off Ctrl-H
Airspeed kts/Mach number toggle Alt-H
MFD controls
Center MFD Function Select D
MFD On/Off Ctrl-D
Local Map
.. Map Zoom In <
.. Map Zoom Out >
.. Map Origin toggle O
Ground Radar (mouse required)
.. Ground Radar on R
.. Radar off Ctrl-R
.. move designator move
.. designate left mouse button
.. cancel designation right mouse button
.. decrease range (step zoom) Ctrl and left mouse button
.. increase range (step zoom) Ctrl and right mouse button
Air Radar (mouse required)
.. Air Radar on Alt-R
.. Radar off Ctrl-R
.. move designator move mouse
.. designate left mouse button
.. cancel designation right mouse button
.. decrease range (step zoom) Ctrl and left mouse button
.. increase range (step zoom) Ctrl and right mouse button
.. bore sight designate Caps Lock
Full-Screen Moving Map Toggle M
Zoom In <
Zoom Out >
Tab Display controls (large backseat displays)
Left Tab Function Select [
Right Tab Function Select ]
Left Tab On / Off Ctrl-[
Right Tab On / Off Ctrl-]
Select active display Tab
(mouse control)
Local Map
.. Map Zoom In <
.. Map Zoom Out >
.. Map Origin toggle O
TIALD (Thermal Imaging And Laser Designation)
.. steer TIALD view move mouse
.. designate (drag to adjust) left mouse button
.. cancel designation right mouse button
.. zoom in (continuous) Ctrl and move mouse forwards
.. zoom out (continuous) Ctrl and move mouse backwards
(zoom available when locked)
Moving Map
.. slew map move mouse
.. designate left mouse button
.. cancel designation right mouse button
.. zoom in (step) Ctrl and left mouse button
.. zoom out (step) Ctrl and right mouse button
.. locate aircraft (if on map) Alt and left mouse button
.. locate target (if valid) Alt and right mouse button
Master Warning Reset * on the numeric keypad
' (apostrophe)
Cockpit Viewpoint Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Select Front Seat Home
Toggle Front Seat Look Up Home
Select Back Seat Pg Up
Glance Left End
Glance Right Pg Dn
Lock Left View Shift-End
Lock Right View Shift-PgDn
Look Down (Show Kneepads) Num Lock
External Viewpoint Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Select Tracking Viewpoint F1 (Track and Zoom available)
Toggle Tracking Viewpoint Lo/Hi F1 (Track and zoom available)
Reset Tracking Viewpoint Ctrl-F1
Satellite View F2 (Zoom available)
Toggle Satellite/Worm's Eye View F2 (Zoom available)
Reset Satellite Viewpoint Ctrl-F2
Remote View F3
(Freeze viewpoint at current aircraft
location and auto pan/tilt to follow)
Spectator View F4
(Freeze current viewpoint, or if already
spectating, update to current aircraft location
and freeze)
Drone View F5 (Track and Zoom available)
(Tracking view of drone mobile,
hit F5 repeatedly to skip
from drone to drone)
View Air/Ground Drone toggle Ctrl-F5
View Allied/Enemy Drone toggle Alt-F5
Viewpoint Track Right X
Track Right Fast Shift-X
Viewpoint Track Left Z
Track Left Fast Shift-Z
Zoom In <
Zoom In Fast Shift-<
Zoom Out >
Zoom Out Fast Shift->
Configuration Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Select Visual Range 1
Ground Texture On/Off 2
Hill Texturing On Off 3
Individual Clouds On/Off 4
Graduated Horizon On/Off 5
Canopy Pillars On/Off 6
Flight Control Select 7
Sound Effects On/Off 8
Minimize/Restore Visual toggle 0
Miscellaneous Controls
Function Control
******** *******
Recenter joystick(s) Y )
) joystick(s) must
Set High Joystick Sensitivity Shift-Y ) be centered for
(e.g. for ThrustMaster) ) correct
Set Normal Joystick Sensitivity Ctrl-Y ) calibration
Quit/End Mission Ctrl-Q
Pause/Resume P
Tornado Explore Mode Controls
Explore mode allows you to access any area of the map and steer a
camera around the 3-D world. In the final product it will be
available from the mission planner so you can explore target areas
and familiarize yourself with the surroundings.
Function Control
******** *******
Map View Controls
Scroll Map Left Mouse to screen's left edge
Scroll Map Right Mouse to screen's right edge
Scroll Map Up Mouse to screen's top edge
Scroll Map Down Mouse to screen's bottom edge
Zoom In (at Mouse Position) Left mouse button
Zoom Out Right mouse button
Switch to 3-D View Spacebar or Enter
3-D View Controls
Select Control Device K (Keyboard) or J (joystick)
or M (Mouse)
Pitch Up (and rise) mouse back
joystick 1 back
cursor Down
Pitch Down (and descend) mouse forward
joystick 1 forward
cursor up
Yaw Left mouse left
joystick 1 left
cursor left
Yaw Right mouse right
joystick 1 right
cursor right
Recenter Mouse right mouse button
Accelerate Forward left mouse button & forward
joystick 1 button A & forward
joystick 2 push
Accelerate Backward left mouse button & back
joystick 1 button A & back
joystick 2 back
Stop left and right mouse buttons
joystick 1 button B
any joystick button if two
joysticks are connected
5 on the numeric keypad
Recenter joystick(s) Y )
) joystick(s) must
Set High Joystick Sensitivity Shift-Y ) be centered for
(e.g. for ThrustMaster) ) correct
Set Normal Joystick Sensitivity Ctrl-Y ) calibration
Switch to Map View Spacebar or Enter